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PlugRing — mane, tekel, fares русский | english

plugin information

Description:Indent/unindent selection on Tab/Shift+Tab
Total downloads:5973
Forum url:
Plugin homepage url:
Authors : Владимир Пантелеев
Categories : Development, Editor.Format, Editor.Block, x86, x64, Unicode, ANSI
Programming language : C/C++
Detailed description:Based on Block Indent plugin
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Alex Yaroslavsky


Select some lines, and press Tab to indent and Shift+Tab to unindent. The plugin will insert tabs, or spaces if the "Expand tabs to spaces" editor option is enabled. The number of spaces added or removed is set by the tab size.

The plugin will only activate if the cursor is at the beginning of the line, and at the edge or inside the selection. Otherwise, the key press will be processed as usual (it will probably insert a tab character or a few spaces).

Far version:0.0.0
OSes  :   95, 98, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win7, Win8 | Flags  :   x86, x64, ansi, unicode, binary, source, documentation

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Execution time - 0.128 sec.